Picture of a portable, hands-free, electric breast pump from the brand "Medela"

How to Choose the Right Breast Pump

Embarking on the breastfeeding journey can be as daunting as it is rewarding, and choosing the right breast pump is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth experience. Breast pumps are also one of the larger ticket items that you would need to invest in. With the myriad of options available, how do you choose the right breast pump for you?

In this post, I aim to demystify the process so that you can focus on the right pump for your needs. From understanding the different types of breast pumps to considering factors like efficiency, comfort, portability, and budget, here is my personal guide to help you through the essential considerations to find a pump that meets your needs and breastfeeding goals.

Quick Links
  1. Types of Breast Pumps
  2. How to Choose the Right Breast Pump: Points to Consider

Disclaimer: This post contains product links to Amazon, of which I would earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps me to keep the blog going and independent. All opinions expressed are of my own. Thank you!

1. Types of Breast Pumps

Broadly categorised, breast pumps come in 4 forms: manual, electric, hands-free, and wearable. Each type has its unique advantages and disadvantages, catering to different scenarios and user requirements. Let’s explore these options to help you understand which might be the best fit for you.

Manual Breast Pump
Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump – Shop Now at Amazon

Manual breast pumps are operated by hand, requiring physical effort to create suction and pump milk. They are typically smaller, quieter, and more portable than their electric counterparts, making them an excellent choice for occasional use, travel, or as a backup to an electric pump.

The manual breast pump have the advantage of enabling mothers to have full control over suction and pace, and is the lowest cost option of all. However, it can be tiring to use for regular pumping and inefficient for output. Regular pumping is a need to maintain regular milk supply for a mom returning to work or outsourcing the care of the infant to a nanny or childcare center. Each pumping session lasts at least 30 minutes, for proper emptying of the breast.

However, a manual pump is helpful for relieving engorgement and blocked milk ducts, as some find the suction of electric breast pumps too strong and painful.

Electric Breast Pump
The Spectra S1+. Shop Now at Amazon

Electric breast pumps are powered by a motor, providing a more efficient and faster way to express milk. They come in single and double (dual) models, with double pumps allowing for pumping both breasts simultaneously, which may help saving time and increase milk production.

Personally, I found that my total output is much better when I pump one breast at a time. But in the mornings when I am in a rush, I do use the dual mode.

The electric breast pump often feature adjustable suction levels and patterns, mimicking a baby’s natural nursing rhythm, which can make pumping more comfortable and effective.

While they are generally bulkier and more expensive than manual pumps, their efficiency makes them a preferred choice for frequent use, especially for mothers with both over and under supply issues.

Hands-Free Breast Pump
Medela Freestyle Hands-free. Shop Now at Amazon

Hands-free breast pumps offer the ultimate convenience by allowing mothers to pump without having to hold the pump in place. These pumps usually consist of a pumping mechanism that fits into specially designed bras, enabling mothers to go about their tasks without interruption. Milk is either expressed into a wearable containment like the Medela Freestyle Handsfree, or into bottles. They are ideal for busy moms who need to pump frequently but don’t want pumping to slow them down. It is not as discrete as a wearable pump, but in return, they do not compromise on output.

I use both the Medela Freestyle (express into bottles) and Medela Freestyle Hands Free (express into wearable containments). Personally, I prefer the Handsfree version, as it offers the best of both worlds between an electric breast pump and wearable breast pump. Unless I want to strain my poor breast ligaments, holding up the bottle(s) with my hands for 30minutes and longer several times a day was such a huge pain!

Wearable Breast Pump
Elvie Wearable Breast Pump. Shop Now at Amazon

Wearable breast pumps are a revolutionary design in the world of breastfeeding, offering an unparalleled level of discretion and mobility. These compact, battery-operated pumps fit directly into a bra, without external tubes or wires, allowing for complete freedom of movement and a truly hands-free experience.

Wearable breast pumps are discreet enough to be used virtually anywhere, from the office to running errands. They represent the cutting edge of pumping technology, combining the convenience of hands-free models with the sophistication of smart features, such as app connectivity for tracking milk volume and pumping sessions.

However, most of this technology comes with a steeper price tag and some have a learning curve for optimal placement and usage.

The suction effect of the wearable breast pump also tend to be gentler, which may result in reduced output for some mothers who require higher breast stimulation from the motor.

In my opinion, one could get a hospital grade pump for less, if output is (usually!) the primary concern. I also found that smaller, lighter and less noisy pumps often come at a premium, while the more cost-effective versions tend not to perform so well in output.

How to Choose the Right Breast Pump: Points to Consider

When deciding on the type of breast pump to purchase, considering your unique situation, lifestyle, and breastfeeding goals is essential. Here are 10 questions to guide you in making the best choice for you and your baby:

How often do I plan to use the breast pump?

Consider whether you’ll be pumping occasionally, regularly, exclusively, or even not at all, as this is the main factor for purchase. This means upfront, before even baby is born, you will have to decide if breastfeeding is for you.

What is my budget for a breast pump?

The prices of pumps range from just below S$100 to over S$800 for each type. While I advocate investing on a good pump, consider setting a realistic budget first. For working moms, I advocate a budget for 2 pumps; one for at home, and one for work use.

Where will I be pumping, at home, work, or on-the-go? Do I have access to a private space for pumping, or do I need a more discreet solution?

Your pumping environment will determine the need for a portable and discreet option versus a more stationary, powerful setup.

While most shopping centers and places of interest in Singapore have clean and private nursing rooms, there is still much room for improvement for places of work. Many industrial working spaces are (still!!) not equipped with nursing rooms. This could influence whether a wearable pump is necessary for your lifestyle, especially if you have to pump in less private settings.

How much time can I dedicate to pumping sessions?

Ideally, at least 30 minutes per breast to be spent. In this case either electric and hands-free are good choices. But if time is limited, and mobility and discretion is needed, wearable pumps are good options.

Do I need a pump that can easily fit into a busy lifestyle or multitasking?

Hands-free and wearable pumps offer the ability to pump without interrupting your daily activities. The hands-free pump is a great fit if your tasks allow you to sit, such as working at the computer. But if you intend to move around, then a wearable one suits the requirements better.

How important is noise level to me?

Some pumps are quieter than others. If discretion or minimal disturbance is key, look for pumps praised for their quiet operation. As an easily paiseh and noise-sensitive type, I looked only at pumps known for being quiet. But then again, there will always be some kind of soft buzzing sound from the motor. Developing a thick skin is essential for the sake of baby.

Am I looking for a pump that offers flexibility in suction settings and patterns?

From personal experience, a pump that mimics a baby suckling helps the breast to perform better. The ability to control, or at least vary, the suction strength helps when nipples become sore from long pumping sessions or nursing.

How important is ease of cleaning and maintenance to me?

Consider how each pump type disassembles and what cleaning entails, as some may offer simpler maintenance than others. Do note that some pumps cannot be disinfected in UV, steam sterilisers or boiling. It is absolutely important to read the sterilisation instructions so as to avoid destroying your precious purchase, as some brands for example, require users to purchase special sterilisation capsules. Others may be okay with steam but not boiling, or okay with steam but not with UV etc.

Are there specific features or accessories I want in a breast pump?

Many pumps come with nifty features such as USB charging, portable batteries and digital tracking apps. Others come bundled with variety of ancillary accessories, such as carry bags and milk storage bags. Some designs allow you to store the expressed milk in the fridge without need for transfer.

List the features that matter most to you. They should enhance convenience, comfort, or help you keep track of time and production. This helps to narrow down your choices.

How easily accessible and affordable are the breast pump spare parts?

This is very important for mothers planning to pump frequently. The motor of the pump is built to last, but for optimum performance, expect to purchase connectors, shields, flanges, etc every two months. Expect to replace items like tubing once every 6 months and for milk catchment containers, and you use a UV steriliser, every 2-3 months. All these add up!

I hope that this article has helped you narrow down your choice list. I will also sharing curated lists of the most reputable and reviewed pumps in the market so stay tuned to this blog! For any questions/feedback, feel free to leave your comments or send me a DM via the Contact Form. 😉